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SI77 – The Tragic Death of Benji Cevera; What Every First Responder Needs to Know
Law enforcement officers are often in situations that mere mortals could only imagine, or, perhaps, would not want to imagine. There can and will be life-and-death situations, and sometimes such decisions need to be made in mere seconds or even fractions of seconds. However, officers are also placed in potential life-and-death situations that allow them to slow things down and truly make choices that can impact lives.

SI76 – Part II: How Cons and Criminals Try to Play Corrections Officers and Cops
In Part II, corrections expert Gary Cornelius provides viewers and students with vitally important information related to how cons and criminals use social media to try to get over on law enforcement both inside and outside penal institutions. Gary points out that “..cell phones are better than gold…” to criminals, because they provide a window to not only the outside world but also provide huge opportunities for them to communicate with others also in incarcerated settings.

SI75 – Part I: How Cons and Criminals Try to Play Corrections Officers and Cops
Every veteran corrections officer or cop knows that criminals have a different mindset than those who obey laws and try to live normal lives. Criminals learn very early how to lie, cheat, and deceive and feel most who lead their lives by the law are “chumps”. Law enforcement has to know they are dealing with people who were “running the streets” at night as young offenders while the majority of people were in bed sleeping, preparatory to the next day’s school or workplace.

SI74 – Leadership and Supervision/Keeping ‘Toxic’ Out of the Workplace Part II
In Part II of our series on toxic workplaces, you’ll be given still more valuable information on how do deal with these extremely vexing, complex, and thorny issues that, honestly, can become the primary reason(s) officers leave a given department or may even leave the law enforcement profession entirely. Again, we enlist the services of superb retired officers who have more than 120 years of law enforcement expertise on this critical issue.

SI73 – Leadership and Supervision/Keeping ‘Toxic’ Out of the Workplace Part I
In this pioneering two-parter, one of the most crucial issues law enforcement officers will ever have to deal---IS dealt with as never before. No, it’s not the many challenges of the street and putting cuffs on criminals or putting a bite on crime. It’s the innumerable challenges all officers will encounter in their offices, precincts, districts, stations or hq’s.

SI71 – Exclusive/AI and Its Amazing Portent for L.E.
It is widely felt Artificial Intelligence will have an impact on virtually every career path in existence and, indeed, already has in many instances. It absolutely includes law enforcement. This pioneering program featuring, perhaps, the most knowledgeable AI expert in law enforcement, will underscore that.

SI70 – Pretextual Stops/The Case for Them
One of law enforcement’s most controversial issues in recent years has been pretextual stops, traffic and pedestrian. Such stops include broken taillights, following too closely, sudden lane changing, hanging license plates, expired tags, bulky clothes or jackets that seem to list to one side, refusal to make eye contact, etc.

SI69 – The Hispanic Experience/What Every Cop Needs to Know
It is vitally important every street and patrol officer become aware of key elements of the Hispanic Experience. It is almost a certainty that officers will encounter Hispanics and Hispanic Americans in their day-to-day encounters with the public. This now, of course, is true far beyond simply our Southern border states.

SI68 – Stopping Active Shooters before They Act/The Wistockian Theory
Det.(Ret.)Richard Wistocki, an expert in cybercrime, has developed a step-by-step plan of action that has identified potential active shooters via phone and computer forensics. As of this production, his teachings have thwarted an estimated
- 55 acts of violence
- 30 acts of swatting
- 13 school shooting threats
- 7 death threats
- 5 bomb threats
- 32 instances of ‘sextortion’ as of this production.
He calls it The Wistockian Theory.

SI67 – Iron Will to Survive/’Burned Alive’/the Incredible Journey of Officer Jason Schechterle
This program is an update to In the Line of Duty’s Volume 9 Program 3 which detailed the horrific crash that left Phoenix officer Jason Schechterle with fourth-degree burns and life-changing disfiguring injuries. This update features Jason more than two decades later discussing his incredible emotional and spiritual journey.

SI66 – Edged Weapons/Do not Get Killed by One
This program features a vast amount of information for officers who will, likely, deal with edged-weapons’ wielders during their career. It includes a plethora of crucial teaching points about the most common mistakes an officer (or human being) will most often make when confronted by such subjects.

SI65 – Elder Abuse/What Every Cop and Social Worker Needs to Know
This program provides officers and investigators crucial information and knowledge they will need when coming across or investigating potential instances of elder abuse.

SI64 – Update/Child Abuse-What Every Cop Needs to Know
Child abuse is one of the most disturbing problems facing American society today. While the number of abuse victims is unclear, it is certainly at least one million a year, and may be many times that.

SI63 – Hank Earl Carr and the Violent Day that Changed Law Enforcement
In one of the most horrific days in law enforcement history, a violent cop-hater (Hank Earl Carr) murdered a child (his girlfriend's son), two homicide detectives and a state trooper. Carr was a 30-year-old man who had spent half his life in prison or jail, hours later killed himself after taking a hostage at a convenience store.

SI62 – Updated/Beware Jack-in-the-Box
In this program, we provide updated officer safety information from an incident we called ‘Jack-in-the-Box’ in Volume 1, Program 9.

SI61 – Updated/New What Dogs Try to Tell Cops
Any law enforcement agency that has been involved in shooting a dog, especially should the animal die, knows that the public and media can get very angry in the aftermath.

SI60 – Pre-de-escalation/Meet the Pied Piper of Community Policing
In this program, you will meet Cpl. Brandon Fleming of the South Hill (VA) Police Department. Fleming, also known as ‘Batman’ to the children in his community, has become extremely popular over the past few years.

SI59 – De-escalating with African-American Subjects Part 1
In this program, we talk with Byron “Sarge” Watson. Watson provides great insight in dealing with subjects in the African-American communities.

SI58 – Compassionate Policing/The Ultimate in De-escalation Part 2
In Part Two of this two-part training program, we talk with Line of Duty Technical Adviser Mark DiBona. As a retired (33-year veteran) law enforcement officer, Mark shares important lessons learned from his past experiences.

SI57 – Compassionate Policing/The Ultimate in De-escalation Part 1
In Part One of this two-part training program, we talk with Line of Duty Technical Adviser Randy Sutton. As a retired law enforcement officer, Randy reflects upon his career and talks about how his philosophy of policing changed early on because of the advice from his training sergeant.

SI56 – I Can’t Breathe | Critical Do’s & Don’ts What It Means For Police
In this new police training program, In the Line of Duty technical advisers analyze and discuss the topic that has become a world-wide law enforcement issue, media topic and the center of national protests; “I can’t breathe.”

SI55 – Randy Sutton/Great Cops Share Their Greatest Lessons Learned
In this training program, we talk with Retired Lieutenant Randy Sutton of the Las Vegas (NV) Police Department. He is also a Technical Advisor for In the Line of Duty. This program features great life-saving and career-saving lessons from one of America’s most-decorated officers. The program has been structured into short, classroom-ready segments.

SI54 – Surviving Terrible Gunshot Wounds & the Power of the Mind
In this training program, we talk with Dr. Andrew Dennis about surviving wounds; whether it is a gunshot, knife wound, etc. He states that what people see on television cop shows isn’t very accurate when it comes to being shot and the ability to survive that wound. One shot to the chest doesn’t mean that you are dead or are going to die. Street cops need to know that even if they do get shot, in many instances they can stay in the fight and survive.

SI53 – Post-Traumatic Stress/You Can Overcome
In this training program, we talk with Jaime Bridges, a licensed clinical social worker and nationally-renowned police counselor. Jaime was instrumental in helping Ret. Sgt. Mark DiBona, who is the subject of two of Line of Duty’s programs (Special Issues/Suicide Prevention #44 and 45). Mark credits Jaime with tremendous guidance that got him back on the right path. Mark says he really connected with her because she was ex-law enforcement and truly understood the anguishing issues that he was dealing with and how to cope with them.

SI52 – Fear of Retribution/What Every Cop Needs to Know
In this training program, we examine an ongoing problem that runs throughout law enforcement: fear-based lack of reporting. Lower-ranking officers may be afraid to correct or report superior officers for fear of retribution. Rookie and young officers new to law enforcement may well be fearful of “stepping on toes” or branded as “rats”.

SI51 – Death of George Floyd/The Response That Might Have Been
In this training program, we examine the incident that might change the course of law enforcement forever.
The death of George Floyd and the tactics used by the Minneapolis Police Department are discussed in great detail by our Line of Duty technical advisors.

SI50 – The Rule of One More Revised/What Every Cop Needs to Know
In this training program, we examine the age old ‘rule of one more.’
The ‘rule of one more’ has long been a law enforcement axiom for always being aware that a suspect may have more than one weapon, more hidden drugs, contraband, or issues you need to be aware of at all times.

SI49 – Coronavirus and Safety/What Every Cop Needs to Know
In this training program, we talk with Dr. Andrew Dennis, a nationally-prominent trauma surgeon who also happens to be a full-time cop. Dr. Dennis talks about policing during a pandemic and what changes law enforcement may go through in the future. He also covers training and safety during these challenging times.

SI48 – The Hard Lessons of Deputy Dinkheller’s Murder Shared by his Father
In this training program, we talk with Kirk Dinkheller, father of Dpty. Kyle Dinkheller, who was shot and killed on a traffic stop in Georgia in 1998. Kirk spends much time traveling to departments all over the country telling the story of Kyle. His hope is that, in death, Kyle’s story will be a warning to other officers and potentially help save their lives.

SI47 – Are Welfare Checks Cops’ Most Dangerous Calls?
In this training program, we talk with one of the Las Vegas Metropolitan P.D.’s most decorated officers, Randy Sutton. The topic is checking the welfare calls. Sutton breaks down an incident in Fort Worth (TX) that garnered national and international media attention.

SI46 – Betty Shelby and Surviving the Aftermath of a Fatal O.I.S.
In this training program, we discuss how to deal with the aftermath of being in the national spotlight after a fatal officer involved shooting. Officer Betty Shelby was in the middle of a media firestorm when video of her officer-involved shooting was released for the entire world to see.

SI45 – Suicide Prevention/ The Amazing Journey of Sgt. Mark DiBona Program #2
The Amazing Journey of Sgt. Mark DiBona- Part II is a continuation of Part I, and includes specifics for establishing a successful peer-to-peer support program, the critical nature of having a program, and exactly who departments should name to head up their programs. Also, Part II has detailed information for traumatic incident debriefings.

SI44 – Suicide Prevention/ The Amazing Journey of Sgt. Mark DiBona Program #1
In this training program, we discuss the topic of suicide among law enforcement officers and first-responders. This problem has reached what some are calling epidemic proportions.

SI43-Great Cops Share Their Greatest Lessons Learned/Sgt. Adam Plantinga Program #2
In this training program, we talk with Sgt. Adam Plantinga of the San Francisco Police Department. He is a 17 year veteran of law enforcement and has authored two books dealing with police and policing.

SI42-Great Cops Share Their Greatest Lessons Learned/Sgt. Adam Plantinga Program #1
This training program covers many topics from dealing with street gangs to working in a multi-cultural district. We talk with Adam Plantinga. He is a 17 year veteran of law enforcement and has authored two books dealing with police and policing.

SI41 – How Not to Get Shot, Sued, or Thrown in Jail
This course covers the topic of officer liability and the many factors that contribute to officers using excessive force, hurting himself or others, he/she getting killed.

SI40 – De Escalation Training : Communications Skills for Police
This program covers one of the biggest hot-button issues in law enforcement today…..De Escalation Training for Police.

SI39 – Opioid Epidemic : Ohio First Responders Deal with Hell on the Streets
This training program is about one hard hit Ohio city’s first responders’(police, fire and EMS) response to dealing with the Opioid crisis.

SI38 – Watching Your Six #2
This training program is broken up into four different segments. At the beginning of each segment there are key teaching points designed to make them more interactive and provoke discussion.

SI37 – Watching Your Six #1
In this episode of Watch Your Six, we will cover the following topics: Cops being bitten, Breastfeeding laws in the US, Hazmat response plan, Exigent circumstances examples.

SI36 – Carfentanil and the Gray Death: What Every First Responder Needs to Know
There is a new danger on the streets today. It is a drug (synthetic opioid) known as Carfentanil.

SI35 – AMBUSH Recognition: What Every Cop Needs to Know
Instructor Dick Fairburn presents an in-depth course on ambush recognition.

SI34 – Ferguson: The Lessons Learned
In this program, Ron sits down with Chief Jon Belmar, of the St. Louis County(MO) Police Department, for an exclusive one-on-one interview. The topic of discussion is Ferguson and the lessons learned.

SI33 – Col Dave Grossman: Identifying and Stopping Active Killers
Active Killers: Who are they? What are their traits? What can cops, and the hundreds of thousands of gun-free zones in America, do to stop them?

SI32 – What Would You Do? Cop Confronts Murderer on T.S.; DUI Checkpoint Scammer
First incident, an Ohio officer shows tremendous restraint ...
In the second incident, new tactics are being used to get around DUI checkpoints.

SI31 – What Would You Do? Couple Plays Cop; Language Barrier Tragedy
Two law enforcement incidents that erupted into national headlines are examined by graduating recruits at the St. Louis(MO) County and Municipal Police Academy.

SI30 – Use of Force: Report Writing
How many times have you looked forward to report writing with the same anticipation as raking your fingers across a chalkboard? For every use of force there will be an accompanying use of force report.

SI29 – Body Cams: What Every Cop Should Know
Video technology has come a long way in the last few decades and it's only getting better but are body cameras all they are cracked up to be? Will they help or hinder law enforcement?

SI28 – Use of Force: The Death of Eric Garner
In a day and age when cameras and video are becoming omnipresent in law enforcement’s responses 24/7, it is critical to learn and benefit from officer’s experiences on the street.

SI27 – Rapid Response: Saving Lives in the Golden Hour
How critical is the need for an integrated approach to rapid response and one that includes every member of the public safety community? Find out how Hillsboro, OR Police, Fire, and EMS made this approach a reality, and see the effect it has had on their emergency response times and level and effectiveness.

SI26 – Alabama Officer Stabbed to Death
An Alabama officer, whose dream from childhood was to become a cop, has his dream shattered when he is knifed to death in a jail sally port after a missed patdown.

SI25 – Thinking TASER
The TASER has rapidly become one of the most important less lethal tools ever for law enforcement officers.

SI24 – Incident At White Castle
This video documents in complete detail one of the most controversial incidents in the history of the Cincinnati Police Department.

SI23 – Courtroom Testimony
Proper courtroom testimony and etiquette is vital for all officers. Sooner or later, they all wind up in court.

SI22 – Joining The Force

SI21 – Staying Calm Under Pressure–DISPATCHING

SI20 – Less Than Lethal Force Options

SI19 – Big Rig Stops
Jim Crotty of "Strategies for Officer Survival," provides what could someday be a lifesaving show and tell for traffic cops.

SI18 – Drug Concealment Spots
Your officers will be amazed at the ingenuity of the drug runners when it comes to concealing their dope. Some of the most surprising and clever drug concealment spots ever recorded are analyzed.

SI17 – Signs Of The Deaf
Like the program dealing with Spanish commands, this video takes officers through the most commonly used signs of the deaf one might encounter on the street.

SI16 – Simple Spanish Commands
With almost absolute certainty all peace officers at some point in their careers will deal with subjects who speak only Spanish.

SI15 – Dealing With The Mentally Ill
This is a pioneering law enforcement training video and it features the nationally-recognized program of the Albuquerque( NM) PD.

SI14 – Pit Bull Fighting: What Every Cop Should Know
Brutal, bloodthirsty dogfighting has become a billion dollar "industry" worldwide The U.S. is now the leading provider of fighting dogs internationally. Now, learn how you can stop it on your turf ...

SI13 – What Dogs are Trying to Tell Cops
Now, learn some very basic techniques on how each officer can 'read' a dog's behavior and prove without doubt your agency is sensitive and attentive to such training.

SI12 – Dealing with Media
The Washington sniper case, a civil disturbance, an airline crash... all examples of how an unexpected event can bring a wave of media attention.

SI11 – We’ve Got a 962 With Fire; Officer Burning Alive
By any standard, this remarkable Phoenix officer should have died when his cruiser was rammed by a taxi and burned furiously with him inside.

SI10 – Animal Abuse: Why Cops Can and Need to Stop It
Far too often when law enforcement officers run across cases of animal abuse, they slough it off as 'kids being kids'. It is much more than that.

SI09 – Cops and Ethics
The I.A.C.P. says that the issue of law enforcement ethics and leadership is one of the biggest issues facing law enforcement today.

SI08 – What Every Street Cop Needs to Know About Terrorists
This program is complete with vital information on dealing with the new terrorist threat in this county, including what to look for and what to do when you find it.

SI07 – Police Chaplains
The police chaplain is playing an increasingly more important role in law enforcement.

SI06 – Dos and Don’ts of Handling Anthrax
This program centers on what the first responder should and should not do when answering a call about a suspicious package.

SI05 – Racial Profiling
In this 12 minute training video, officers will understand what racial profiling is, what it isn't, and how to be on safe ground when making that stop.

SI04 – AI Enhanced – Murder of Deputy Dinkheller
Georgia deputy made a low-risk stop for speeding, little did he expect a gunfight for his life --- a gunfight he would lose.

SI03 – The Dos and Don’ts of Serving Warrants
This 11-minute video hits the major points of how to prepare for serving the warrant, and executing it.

SI02 – The Tampa Massacre
For the first time, this 60-minute video tells the full story of the May 1998 incident in which wanted felon Hank Earl Carr got the drop on two Tampa homicide detectives and killed them both.

SI01 – Rapid Response to The Active Shooter
This outstanding 60 minute training video details the latest tactics for dealing with an active shooter.