About this course
In Part II, corrections expert Gary Cornelius provides viewers and students with vitally important information related to how cons and criminals use social media to try to get over on law enforcement both inside and outside penal institutions. Gary points out that “..cell phones are better than gold…” to criminals, because they provide a window to not only the outside world but also provide huge opportunities for them to communicate with others also in incarcerated settings. Gaining access to tablets as well is hugely important for inmates to dialogue and communicate. He warns of the many dangers for CO’s if they, for example, allow themselves to get “played” into providing cell phone access to inmates and highly recommends to never have a cell phone at hand during a shift; to leave them locked in one’s locker or even in one’s vehicle. Other key elements in Part II are to never share personal information with inmates, especially if it’s criticism of one’s department, supervisor or policy. Also, to treat inmates with as much dignity as possible. Learning to say “no”, avoiding complacency, situational awareness, how Gary learned the true meaning of the word CHUMP, how inmates zero in on specific corrections officers and what they do to try to “become their friend”, and much more in this important training and educational program for all corrections officers and, indeed, all law enforcement officers.
Expanding on the above, Gary Cornelius makes several key points regarding corrections officers’ dealings with inmates. Virtually all of them also pertain to cops on the street.
Among them are:
-Officers must understand that, whereas they may not be dealing with individuals who are “book smart”, they are, often, dealing with those who are “street smart”. As such, they are constantly looking at ways to “play” or “get over” on law enforcement officials.
-He says that, unquestionably, inmates’ goals include obtaining either a cell phone or tablet, or both. With either one, an inmate can continue his or her criminal activity, try to develop romances with co’s, try to gather information to used against a c.o. (if the c.o. has any social media presence whatsoever, etc.). As Gary points out: “If an inmate gets staff members’ full names, the inmate can have family or criminal friends look up on Facebook or Instagram (to try to) see what they’re doing. The more an inmate knows about a staff member via social media, the more he or she can use that knowledge for manipulative purposes.”
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