SI69 – The Hispanic Experience/What Every Cop Needs to Know
It is vitally important every street and patrol officer become aware of key elements of the Hispanic Experience. It is almost a certainty that officers will encounter Hispanics and Hispanic Americans in their day-to-day encounters with the public. This now, of course, is true far beyond simply our Southern border states.

SI44 – Suicide Prevention/ The Amazing Journey of Sgt. Mark DiBona Program #1
In this training program, we discuss the topic of suicide among law enforcement officers and first-responders. This problem has reached what some are calling epidemic proportions.

SI53 – Post-Traumatic Stress/You Can Overcome
In this training program, we talk with Jaime Bridges, a licensed clinical social worker and nationally-renowned police counselor. Jaime was instrumental in helping Ret. Sgt. Mark DiBona, who is the subject of two of Line of Duty’s programs (Special Issues/Suicide Prevention #44 and 45). Mark credits Jaime with tremendous guidance that got him back on the right path. Mark says he really connected with her because she was ex-law enforcement and truly understood the anguishing issues that he was dealing with and how to cope with them.

SI70 – Pretextual Stops/The Case for Them
One of law enforcement’s most controversial issues in recent years has been pretextual stops, traffic and pedestrian. Such stops include broken taillights, following too closely, sudden lane changing, hanging license plates, expired tags, bulky clothes or jackets that seem to list to one side, refusal to make eye contact, etc.

GN04 – Life-saving, street smart tips for cops
In this 'video magazine' format, officers and students are given a wide variety of "golden nuggets"

SI63 – Hank Earl Carr and the Violent Day that Changed Law Enforcement
In one of the most horrific days in law enforcement history, a violent cop-hater (Hank Earl Carr) murdered a child (his girlfriend's son), two homicide detectives and a state trooper. Carr was a 30-year-old man who had spent half his life in prison or jail, hours later killed himself after taking a hostage at a convenience store.

SI45 – Suicide Prevention/ The Amazing Journey of Sgt. Mark DiBona Program #2
The Amazing Journey of Sgt. Mark DiBona- Part II is a continuation of Part I, and includes specifics for establishing a successful peer-to-peer support program, the critical nature of having a program, and exactly who departments should name to head up their programs. Also, Part II has detailed information for traumatic incident debriefings.

SI54 – Surviving Terrible Gunshot Wounds & the Power of the Mind
In this training program, we talk with Dr. Andrew Dennis about surviving wounds; whether it is a gunshot, knife wound, etc. He states that what people see on television cop shows isn’t very accurate when it comes to being shot and the ability to survive that wound. One shot to the chest doesn’t mean that you are dead or are going to die. Street cops need to know that even if they do get shot, in many instances they can stay in the fight and survive.

SI64 – Update/Child Abuse-What Every Cop Needs to Know
Child abuse is one of the most disturbing problems facing American society today. While the number of abuse victims is unclear, it is certainly at least one million a year, and may be many times that.

SI46 – Betty Shelby and Surviving the Aftermath of a Fatal O.I.S.
In this training program, we discuss how to deal with the aftermath of being in the national spotlight after a fatal officer involved shooting. Officer Betty Shelby was in the middle of a media firestorm when video of her officer-involved shooting was released for the entire world to see.