SI48 – The Hard Lessons of Deputy Dinkheller’s Murder Shared by his Father
In this training program, we talk with Kirk Dinkheller, father of Dpty. Kyle Dinkheller, who was shot and killed on a traffic stop in Georgia in 1998. Kirk spends much time traveling to departments all over the country telling the story of Kyle. His hope is that, in death, Kyle’s story will be a warning to other officers and potentially help save their lives.

SI56 – I Can’t Breathe | Critical Do’s & Don’ts What It Means For Police
In this new police training program, In the Line of Duty technical advisers analyze and discuss the topic that has become a world-wide law enforcement issue, media topic and the center of national protests; “I can’t breathe.”

SI71 – Exclusive/AI and Its Amazing Portent for L.E.
It is widely felt Artificial Intelligence will have an impact on virtually every career path in existence and, indeed, already has in many instances. It absolutely includes law enforcement. This pioneering program featuring, perhaps, the most knowledgeable AI expert in law enforcement, will underscore that.

SI65 – Elder Abuse/What Every Cop and Social Worker Needs to Know
This program provides officers and investigators crucial information and knowledge they will need when coming across or investigating potential instances of elder abuse.

SI47 – Are Welfare Checks Cops’ Most Dangerous Calls?
In this training program, we talk with one of the Las Vegas Metropolitan P.D.’s most decorated officers, Randy Sutton. The topic is checking the welfare calls. Sutton breaks down an incident in Fort Worth (TX) that garnered national and international media attention.

SI58 – Compassionate Policing/The Ultimate in De-escalation Part 2
In Part Two of this two-part training program, we talk with Line of Duty Technical Adviser Mark DiBona. As a retired (33-year veteran) law enforcement officer, Mark shares important lessons learned from his past experiences.

SI73 – Leadership and Supervision/Keeping ‘Toxic’ Out of the Workplace Part I
In this pioneering two-parter, one of the most crucial issues law enforcement officers will ever have to deal---IS dealt with as never before. No, it’s not the many challenges of the street and putting cuffs on criminals or putting a bite on crime. It’s the innumerable challenges all officers will encounter in their offices, precincts, districts, stations or hq’s.

GN05 – Life-saving, street smart tips for cops
In this 'video magazine' format, officers and students are given a wide variety of "golden nuggets"

SI57 – Compassionate Policing/The Ultimate in De-escalation Part 1
In Part One of this two-part training program, we talk with Line of Duty Technical Adviser Randy Sutton. As a retired law enforcement officer, Randy reflects upon his career and talks about how his philosophy of policing changed early on because of the advice from his training sergeant.

SI74 – Leadership and Supervision/Keeping ‘Toxic’ Out of the Workplace Part II
In Part II of our series on toxic workplaces, you’ll be given still more valuable information on how do deal with these extremely vexing, complex, and thorny issues that, honestly, can become the primary reason(s) officers leave a given department or may even leave the law enforcement profession entirely. Again, we enlist the services of superb retired officers who have more than 120 years of law enforcement expertise on this critical issue.