V08P11 – Officer Tries to Block Moving Subject’s Car
A highway patrol officer stands in front of a stopped subject's car ordering the individual not to proceed.

V11P09 – The McVeigh Stop
The Oklahoma State Trooper who stopped Timothy McVeigh after the Oklahoma City bombing talks about one of the most important stops in history.

V13P12 – Traffic Stops of Sovereign Citizens
During a broad daylight traffic stop, two officers are killed by a 16-year old boy with an AK- 47.

SI31 – What Would You Do? Couple Plays Cop; Language Barrier Tragedy
Two law enforcement incidents that erupted into national headlines are examined by graduating recruits at the St. Louis(MO) County and Municipal Police Academy.
TMW20 – Using backup
There are times officers think they can handle many situations alone. Why you should always have backup.
C01 – Binge Drinking / Dealing with a Stuporous Victim
The most serious problem facing campus law enforcement today is binge drinking.
RCR25 – Felony Vehicle Stops
An absolutely vital roll call training program which features Jim Crotty of 'Strategies for Officer Survival' outlining the most critical elements of proper felony vehicle stops.

V01P09 – Jack In The Box-Officer Reaction
Officers in Livonia, Michigan are startled to find a gun-toting woman in the trunk of a car during a traffic stop following an armed robbery.

V04P05 – Mass Traffic Accidents
Two huge mass traffic accidents are analyzed by the Missouri Highway Patrol and the Virginia State Police.