I understand the fury, frustration and anger cops feel and generally agree with it. So what’s next?
We can whine, bitch, moan, or crawl under a rock… and do nothing. Retire, fade away. I’ve had it, I’m out of here or we can come out fighting, gouging, kicking and ripping the eyes out of a six foot six inch drunk on fentanyl who isn’t going down unless he rips your gun from your holster and blows the top of your F’ing head off.
Are young cops taught any more that if it comes down to their own life or death that, yes, gouging out a rat bastards eyeballs is on the table.
Does any academy instructor ever go there anymore? If you’re getting the shit kicked out of you and the dirtbag’s testicles are within reach, are recruits ever instructed to grab them and yank them right out of their sack? Continue reading Podcast: You CAN win a fight to the finish….here’s how!
Podcast: Next time you let a lowlife use the bathroom, think about Officer Melissa Jayne Schmidt
Over the many years, I have come to expect the criminal element to hide drugs, contraband, blades, handcuff keys, nail files, cellphones, liquid explosives, thumb drives, bullets and, yes, guns in every nook and cranny of their bodies. Every time I think about Officer Melissa Jayne Schmidt of the Minneapolis P. D. I wish she would have had some sort of portable scanner back on August 1st, 2002, but she and her backup officer didn’t. The rest is a tragic asterisk in law enforcement history. And as do so many incidents where cops tried to deal with the nuts and berries in the passing parade, questions remain, too. Continue reading Podcast: Next time you let a lowlife use the bathroom, think about Officer Melissa Jayne Schmidt
Podcast: Always Remember: Look Down in Sex Arcades
In a recent podcast of Stuff You Never Ever Learned At the Academy, a veteran cup told a rookie why he should always look up at the scene of a suicide.
Now, we’re going to tell you why you should always look down when you’re either an undercover vice cop or part of a raid at a so-called ‘sex arcade’.
A sex arcade is an establishment catering to every pervert’s dreams of complete and total sexual freedom, and many times it takes the term ‘anything goes’ and stretches it to virtually surreal proportions. Continue reading Podcast: Always Remember: Look Down in Sex Arcades