SI41 – How Not to Get Shot, Sued, or Thrown in Jail
This course covers the topic of officer liability and the many factors that contribute to officers using excessive force, hurting himself or others, he/she getting killed.
V12P09 – Large Animal Crash Response
Dispatchers with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department receive calls at 2:00 A.M. concerning cows running loose on the highway.
SI17 – Signs Of The Deaf
Like the program dealing with Spanish commands, this video takes officers through the most commonly used signs of the deaf one might encounter on the street.
V11P05 – LA Officer Allows Escaped Murderer Free After Stop
An escaped Federal prisoner is stopped by a Louisiana officer, but the subject is allowed to leave despite many signs pointing to him as the escapee.
TMW03 – Warehouse burglary during power outage
How do you proceed with flashlights against an unseen adversary?
60secTO-05 – Fatal Funnel
A state trooper pays more attention to a front-seat passenger than back-seat passenger, nearly costing him his life.
RCR07 – Off-Duty Considerations for Street Cops
This is a vital roll call program for all officers and includes dramatic video of a shoot-out involving an off-duty officer plus expert thoughts and considerations for officers who carry weapons when off-duty.
V03P03 – Perpendicular Shoot
Sheriff's deputies in North Carolina resort to lethal force after a passenger in a vehicle stopped for minor driving violations reaches for a gun.
V05P11 – Crowd Control
The La Crosse, Wisconsin Police Department has developed an approach which has become a national -even international- model for any law enforcement agency faced with crowd or even riot control.
V08P08 – Las Vegas Cops Deal with Biker Shoot-Out
A wild biker shoot-out at a Laughlin, Nevada casino.