TMW31 – Officer is looking for armed subject in low light situation.
He is fired upon and can see the muzzle flash. What should the officer do?
60secTO-12 – Walgreens Groundfight
An officer gets into a groundfight with an older man who has tried robbing a pharmacy right in front of the officer's eyes.
RCR14 – Physical Assaults: Covering Your Back
With graphic video of officers who have been violently physically assaulted, technical advisers to IN THE LINE OF DUTY pass along invaluable safety and survival tips to officers.

V02P08 – Vest Saves Deputy’s Life
Dramatic documentation of a Georgia sheriff's deputy who was shot twice at point-blank range by a teenager, but was saved thanks to his body armor.

V05P04 – Texas Hostage Incident
A Texas D.P.S. officer is briefly held at gunpoint after approaching a passenger during a rural traffic stop.

V08P01 – Iron Will To Survive Part III / North Hollywood Shootout
An ex-L.A.P.D. officer grievously wounded in the celebrated North Hollywood shootout discusses his determination to survive his wounds and fight back.

V10P10 – Interrogation Techniques on the Street and at H.Q.
Proper questioning can be a key ingredient in solving crimes and providing evidence for a conviction.
MG-DYST07 – Lips that Lie
How many times have you seen an argument on the baseball field and wondered what was being said?

V13P01 – Amber Alert Pursuit: Collinsville IL P.D.
In this program, an Illinois officer embarks on a high-speed pursuit. The suspect is wanted for kidnapping and an AMBER Alert has been issued.