V08P08 – Las Vegas Cops Deal with Biker Shoot-Out
A wild biker shoot-out at a Laughlin, Nevada casino.
V11P06 – Texas Trooper Shot Dead By Elderly Man
Entirely caught on tape, an elderly rifle wielder guns down a Texas trooper and then stands idly by, rifle in hand, as back-up officers arrive.
PP-00 – Power Point Files
In the Line of Duty has developed cutting edge PowerPoint training, with fully-streamed video and audio.
These titles will be periodically supplemented, and we invite your suggestions and input at info@lineofduty.com.
Like all the streaming 'Video Courses' made available to Line of Duty-Learning subscribers, these PowerPoints are exclusively for the use of law enforcement professionals, trainers, educators and students.
V13P09 – Dog Fighting
We examine the growing problem of pit bullfighting.
SI28 – Use of Force: The Death of Eric Garner
In a day and age when cameras and video are becoming omnipresent in law enforcement’s responses 24/7, it is critical to learn and benefit from officer’s experiences on the street.
TMW17 – Equipment check
You never know when you’ll need your baton, spray, cuffs or gun. Is your equipment ready to go?
C05 – Campus Fire Safety
Fire Safety on campus remains a number one safety priority.
RCR28 – Pursuit Intervention Techniques (P.I.T)
If your department is considering development of the Pursuit Intervention Technique (P.I.T.) as part of your pursuit policy, you'll want this program!
V01P06 – Gun-Wielding Woman Shot by Officers
Kern County (CA) Sheriff's Officers resort to lethal force despite concerted efforts to negotiate a gun-wielding woman from her vehicle on a California interstate.