V13P06 – Cops and Ethics / Staying Out of Hot Water
There is no debate on the need for law enforcement to abide by stringent rules of ethics and integrity in the performance of duties. The purpose of this video is to reinforce the need for the highest ethical standards.
V14P01 – Violent Groundfight Erupts: Are You Prepared? Part 1
A Dayton(OH) police officer initiates a traffic stop with an older subject. During the course of the stop, the subject attacks the officer and tries to go for his gun.
SI32 – What Would You Do? Cop Confronts Murderer on T.S.; DUI Checkpoint Scammer
First incident, an Ohio officer shows tremendous restraint ...
In the second incident, new tactics are being used to get around DUI checkpoints.
TMW21 – High speed response to emergency calls
It can be deadly for responding officers or civilians or both.
60secTO-22 – Cop hits, kills bicyclist
Officer sees a bicyclist in a construction zone who apprears suspicious and won't listen to the officer.
RCR24 – Body Language
This is a crucial addition to your video library. We feel confident it can help save officers from serious injury and even death.
V01P10 – Flea Market Shooting in Crowd
Pennsylvania police kill a deranged homicide suspect at a crowded flea market after he throws car parts, and then himself, at them.
V04P06 – Large Vehicle Stop Turns Almost Violent
A sheriff's deputy stops a speeding truck driver who becomes extremely belligerent, even though he'd been stopped a short time earlier for the same infraction.
V07P03 – Accident Scene Preservation
This program features the nationally-respected Georgia State Patrol accident reconstruction team.
V09P11 – Tampa Massacre
Two Tampa detectives and a Florida State Trooper are killed by a career criminal who had just been taken into custody for the shooting death of his girlfriend's child.