RCR25 – Felony Vehicle Stops
An absolutely vital roll call training program which features Jim Crotty of 'Strategies for Officer Survival' outlining the most critical elements of proper felony vehicle stops.

V01P09 – Jack In The Box-Officer Reaction
Officers in Livonia, Michigan are startled to find a gun-toting woman in the trunk of a car during a traffic stop following an armed robbery.

V04P05 – Mass Traffic Accidents
Two huge mass traffic accidents are analyzed by the Missouri Highway Patrol and the Virginia State Police.

V07P02 – Murder of Georgia Deputy
The complete training overview and analysis of the murder of Georgia Deputy Kyle Dinkheller.

V09P10 – Hospital Security
When a criminal is hurt, injured or wounded, he/she must receive proper treatment. We disucss the security challenges.
MG-Eye Spy 01
Did you ever look at an old photo of yourself and wonder, ...

V12P02 – GA Officer Shot in Face
Shot in the face and pistol-whipped on a traffic stop, Deputy Steve Rankin of Crisp County, Georgia demonstrates an iron will to survive.

SI10 – Animal Abuse: Why Cops Can and Need to Stop It
Far too often when law enforcement officers run across cases of animal abuse, they slough it off as 'kids being kids'. It is much more than that.