V12P06 – Drug Recognition Experts
Begun by the Los Angeles Police Department in the 1970's, the Drug Recognition Expert program takes the laboratory to the streets.
SI14 – Pit Bull Fighting: What Every Cop Should Know
Brutal, bloodthirsty dogfighting has become a billion dollar "industry" worldwide The U.S. is now the leading provider of fighting dogs internationally. Now, learn how you can stop it on your turf ...
TMW06 – Single officer finds two drunken men brutally beating two women
You are alone. How do you handle this dangerous and tense situation?
60secTO-08 – Subway Backpack Groundfight
An officer responding to a theft complaint ends up in a violent groundfight at a Subway restaurant. Are you ready for anything at all times?
RCR01 – Tampa Detectives Murdered
V02P12 – Full-Scale Riot Response
St. Petersburg, Florida Police provide detailed analysis of tactics, strategy, and response in the only training documentary available of rioting after a white officer shot an African- American motorist.
V06P07 – Detecting Danger – Part 1
A 3-time police medal of valor winner and teacher discusses the crucial elements for officers to know about themselves when detecting danger.
V09P04 – CT Officer Attacked
A Connecticut officer has less than four seconds to decide what to do when a subject he had been pursuing jumps out of his car and lunges at the officer with a tire iron.