Golden Nuggets – GN05 – Tips for Cops


Golden Nuggets #5  GN05 – Life-Saving, Street Smart Tips for Cops

Another new installment from our ‘Golden Nuggets’ series providing crucial officer safety tips and information.

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Watch and learn as officers make a traffic stop of a suspected mass murderer, and ask yourself what you would have done differently. From top to bottom, the stop and its questionable tactics are analyzed by LOD Technical Adviser Herb Hood. It’s a tremendous segment that provides opportunity for intense interactive discussion.

A Texas officer is stunned after getting the car keys from a suspected drunken driver, only to discover too late he had a second set and roars away dragging the officer in the driver’s side door. Great lessons learned.

MA officers are shocked to find a wanted subject hiding in a pull-out drawer of a double bed. A totally unexpected and dangerous Jack-in-the-Box.

An Alabama officer is murdered by a domestic violence subject the officer thought had left the scene but circled around the block and ambushed
the veteran officer. Critical lessons for all officers.

and much more in Golden Nuggets #5.

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