Purchase our programs by visiting our Store Catalog, or with an Annual Subscription to the entire library. For more information, contact us at 1-800-462-5232 or info@lineofduty.com.

V04P12 – Gangs Update
Through in-depth interviews with law enforcement gang experts, learn about trends in a wide variety of gang-related activity.

V04P11 – Warren High Speed Chase / High Speed Chase Tutorial
A suburban Detroit police officer robs a bank and leads Warren, Michigan officers on a high speed pursuit.

V04P10 – Suicide by Cop
A chase ends when a robbery suspect exits his vehicle, and points his weapon directly at the first arriving officer.

V04P09 – Fresno, CA-Multi-Ethnic Community Policing
Many agencies now must deal with the dilemma of communities which have a multitude of ethnic groups and languages.

V04P08 – Kehoe Brothers OH Shoot-Out / Concealment and Cover Tutorial
This video details the dramatic shoot-out in Ohio between law enforcement and the Kehoe brothers, known paramilitary extremists.

V04P07 – Crime Scene Preservation for Street Cops
This program features D. Wayne Heil, formerly a lead homicide investigator for the Illinois State Police. Mr. Heil brings his many years of expertise to bear graphically showing street officers the critical first steps needed when coming onto a major crime scene.

V04P06 – Large Vehicle Stop Turns Almost Violent
A sheriff's deputy stops a speeding truck driver who becomes extremely belligerent, even though he'd been stopped a short time earlier for the same infraction.

V04P05 – Mass Traffic Accidents
Two huge mass traffic accidents are analyzed by the Missouri Highway Patrol and the Virginia State Police.

V04P04 – Child Abuse
Critical information for street cops in the recognition of child abuse as first responders.

V04P03 – Albuquerque Bank Hostage / Sniper Training
A bank robbery suspect who had taken a female employee hostage is mortally wounded by a sniper on the Albuquerque S.W.A.T. team.

V04P02 – Homicide Suspect Suicide / Short Stroke Prevention
A homicide suspect driving through a rural Texas community is stopped by D.P.S. officers. He exits his vehicle - then returns to it and pulls out a gun.

V04P01 – Trooper Shot Point Blank
An Idaho State Trooper is shot at point blank range yet still assists in the arrest of the offender.