To Vaccinate or Not, that is the Question! | Police Podcast

It was not Shakespeare who said “Opinions are like assh#les, everybody’s got one.” However, when it comes to getting the COVID vaccine or not, that quote beats anything old Will ever uttered. For it is so true. Everybody’s got an opinion whether or not to get vaccinated. So whom do you believe after cutting through all the bluster, hype, propaganda and obfuscation? We decided to go with Dr. Andrew Dennis. Andrew is the head trauma surgeon at Chicago’s busiest trauma hospital. He is also a cop, a member of two Northern Illinois SWAT teams and medical director for the Illinois State Police. He was the technical director for NBC TVs, Chicago Med, and he is a technical advisor for In the Line of Duty. I wanted to get Andrew’s thoughts about the fact that a sizeable number of law enforcement officers to date have chosen NOT to get the vaccination to which he responded that both he and his wife, who is also a doctor were among the first to roll up their sleeves and get jabbed. Continue reading To Vaccinate or Not, that is the Question! | Police Podcast

Officer Down and Shot; You CAN Survive! | Police Podcast

How many thousands of people do kids see get shot over the course of their infinite number of hours propped in front of a television…or an app,  PlayStation, on and on. And, if kids really buy into what they see and what is branded into their brains, it’s almost always 100%, one and done. One bullet stops all, no matter what the circumstances, no matter how close, how far, how armored up, how macho, etc.  Kids who, obviously, morph ultimately into adults have the mindset that, once shot, you’re toast.

But, Dr. Andrew Dennis, the head trauma surgeon at Chicago’s busiest trauma hospital says it’s all bunk and cops need to know that if they’ve allowed themselves to buy into the Hollywood hype, they are quite possibly allowing a very dangerous mindset to take root in their minds. Oh, and by the way, Dr. Dennis is also a full-time police officer and member of two Northern Illinois SWAT teams. Continue reading Officer Down and Shot; You CAN Survive! | Police Podcast

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