About this course
Every veteran corrections officer or cop knows that criminals have a different mindset than those who obey laws and try to live normal lives. Criminals learn very early how to lie, cheat, and deceive and feel most who lead their lives by the law are “chumps”. Law enforcement has to know they are dealing with people who were “running the streets” at night as young offenders while the majority of people were in bed sleeping, preparatory to the next day’s school or workplace. These are only a few of the vital points that are made by Gary Cornelius a veteran law enforcement officer and one of the most respected experts in the fields of corrections and criminology. Gary leads viewers through the labyrinth of manipulations criminals and cons try to perpetrate on law enforcement and why it remains, as it always has been, crucial for those who deal with criminals to be ever vigilant, attentive, aware and, yes, always skeptical.
From the onset, Gary says that corrections officers, indeed all law enforcement personnel dealing with cons and criminals need to “Shut UP!” when it comes to ever sharing personal information with or around lawbreakers. It can be used for manipulative purposes by them against you in so many ways. Gary says criminals have “no shame…no conscience or remorse, and (often) no self control; school has (often) been low priority (it’s for “chumps”). Their criminal ways are “…never their fault.” They never feel as if they “…hurt anybody as long as they come out ahead.” Gary reminds that that, given the fact many criminals never got through high school that “…they have got to be making it somehow…” (and, that, of course, means they are “making it” illicitly and illegally.
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