About this course
It’s widely felt Artificial Intelligence will have an impact on virtually every career path in existence and, indeed, already has in many instances. It absolutely includes law enforcement. This pioneering program featuring, perhaps, the most knowledgeable AI expert in law enforcement, will underscore that. Example after example will be reviewed where AI is right now dramatically and positively affecting law enforcement operations, tactics, reporting, training, investigations, and more—much more. It’s intended to open the eyes to the possibilities that promise to change the way law enforcement operates. In many of the showcases analyzed and discussed, it already is making substantive and extremely beneficial changes. From the largest agencies to the smallest departments, Artificial Intelligence will pave the way into the future. First, however, it’s very important to understand exactly what is Artificial Intelligence? Very simply (which is the way I like it!) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Your guide for the program will be Sgt. Joshua Lee, a veteran officer with a large suburban Phoenix department. As you will quickly see in the opening credits, Josh has worn many hats in his law enforcement career and also many hats in the AI and cryptocurrency realms. Josh will help steer us in the right directions in this program that, we believe, you will find an excellent place to begin in your journey to become truly familiar with the amazing possibilities inherent for marriage between Artificial Intelligence and law enforcement.
From preparing detailed police reports in a fraction of the time…to solving homicides previously unsolvable…rapidly producing reports that previously took hours...getting real time crime information from multiple sources…..incredible interactive simulations and on and on. All of this and more are promises that Artificial Intelligence is beginning to keep for law enforcement. Sgt. Joshua Lee says: “ I LOVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE..(IT’S) THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE…CATCH UP TO BAD GUYS…GET AHEAD (OF THEM) ..POLICING IS REACTIVE…(IT NEEDS TO BE MUCH MORE PRO-ACTIVE..AI AND MACHINE LEARNING (CAN) PUSH US AHEAD OF THE BAD GUYS..START COMPETING..CATCHING BAD GUYS THAT ALWAYS SEEM TO GET AWAY…”
Course Video Preview: