About this course
This course covers one of the biggest hot-button issues in law enforcement today…..De Escalation Training. Taken from classroom instruction by Officer and instructor Chris Stoaks of Bend (OR) Police Dept., “De-escalation is what happens in-between contact and resolution”.
This program is designed for the street officer who comes in contact with people, in high-stress and troubled circumstances, and gives them the best communication skills tools to de-escalate the situation.
You will learn:
- Great examples of police communication
- Verbal de escalation training techniques for cops
- Communications tools in police work
Course Video Preview:
Excerpt from this Special Edition of IN THE LINE OF DUTY
Officer Stoakes, De-Escalation Training:
“Here’s the thing, I’m only going to say this once … All right we have contact and we have resolution - Descalation has nothing to do with the USE OF FORCE.”
“Almost every crisis situation that you're going to encounter is emotionally driven . We also know that when we reflect someone's feelings they are much more likely to perceive us as sympathetic and understand them. At one time or another we have pushed somebody's buttons… The question is , have we ever purposely used those pushes for good?”