TMW30 – Officer pulls over van for going 15 over the limit.
While on stop, he hears a muffled cry from the back of van. What’s the next course of action?
60secTO-13 – Cop Battles Older Man
On a nighttime stop, an officer finds himself in a pitched battle with an older motorist who rips away the cop's radio and goes for the patrolman's gun.
RCR15 – Officer Shoots Self in Training Exercise
An officer nearly kills herself during a shooting exercise and has extensive brain surgery before her long road to recovery.

V03P06 – San Francisco Firefight
A gunman with a veritable arsenal of weaponry and ammunition, and covered in body armor, opens fire in a posh San Francisco neighborhood. The resulting chaos is documented visually and with in-depth interviews with responding officers.

V06P02 – Dealing With The Mentally Ill – Crisis Intervention Training
An in-depth look at the excellent Crisis Intervention Training program many departments are using successfully in dealing with the mentally ill.

V08P11 – Officer Tries to Block Moving Subject’s Car
A highway patrol officer stands in front of a stopped subject's car ordering the individual not to proceed.

V11P09 – The McVeigh Stop
The Oklahoma State Trooper who stopped Timothy McVeigh after the Oklahoma City bombing talks about one of the most important stops in history.

V12P12 – Safe Pursuit / Response Driving – Part 2
This program is a continuation of Volume 12 Program 11. More concepts and techniques for safe driving will be covered.