TMW32 – Convenience Story Robbery
Single officer spots more than one armed bad guy. How to handle this scenario.
60secTO-11 – Hidden Gun
A witness notifies an officer a subject he has stopped has moved a hidden gun and, perhaps, helps save the officer's life; what do you notice? What SHOULD you notice?
RCR13 – Officers Lose Job Over Hog-Tying Death
Five officers are fired after a subject dies during a hog-tying incident.
V02P09 – Officer Killed / Rail Safety
A Southern California detective dies after being struck by a train during an evidence search alongside railroad tracks.
V05P05 – Less Lethal Force
This program details the Seattle, Washington P.D.'s efforts to disarm a mental subject who was waving and flourishing a samurai sword for hours in front of a Seattle restaurant.
V08P02 – IL Cop’s Intuition Pays Off; Huge Drug Bust
Excellent police work by young IL officer who stopped a suspicious vehicle and ultimately found nearly a million dollars in drugs hidden.
V10P11 – Shreveport Officers Kill Cell Phone Wielder
Imagine yourself chasing a suspect who turns and points what appears to be a gun at you. You fire. The "gun" turns out to be a cell phone.
MG-DYST06 – Search for a Serial Killer
He was one of America’s most wanted monsters and it took law enforcement a long time to nab him but not until after he had murdered at least 30 young women across multiple states.