V09P05 – Knives Can Kill You — Fast
One of the leading law enforcement experts in the world teaches and trains you to survive a knife attack/assault.

SI03 – The Dos and Don’ts of Serving Warrants
This 11-minute video hits the major points of how to prepare for serving the warrant, and executing it.
C03 – Bike Patrol/K-9 Patrol/Working with K-9’s
This program centers on key patrol issues facing campus cops.

V14P06 – Bath Salts: What Every Cop Needs to Know
An in-depth training video geared for patrol officers provides crucial information for dealing with bath salts and subjects who have ingested them.

SI35 – AMBUSH Recognition: What Every Cop Needs to Know
Instructor Dick Fairburn presents an in-depth course on ambush recognition.
TMW26 – Drinking off-duty
Most cops enjoy a beer after shift or on days off. How well do you handle your booze?
60secTO-17 – Robbers Bolt
After two robbers bolt separate ways, a lone officer quickly learns the dangers of going after one without backup.
RCR19 – Report Writing
Many departments have asked us to develop a roll call training video dealing with proper report writing. Here it is!

V02P03 – Convenience Store Robberies Decline
The Gainesville (FL) Police Department has had tremendous success in cutting down convenience store robberies through simple pro-active measures and new laws.