GN02 – Life Saving Tactical Training Tips For Police

Course Dates: Open-ended
Enrollment Dates: Enroll Anytime
Who can Enroll: Students are added by instructors.
Course Language: English
Price:  FREE
GN02 - Life Saving Tactical Training Tips For Police

About this course

In this historic training video, law enforcement officers are given a variety of "golden nuggets" of survival information in a fast-paced format. These are crucial, potentially life-saving street smarts for officers.

Lessons include:

  • Never standing in front of a subject's vehicle
  • Use of deadly force
  • Identifying signs of child abuse
  • Avoiding ambush situations
  • Head on a constant swivel
  • Reading Miranda rights
  • Use of the head butt
  • High speed pursuits and the Fourth
  • Uncovering mass shooting plots and
    the internet

Much more in this training program designed to provide law enforcement officers with quick tactical safety tips and information.

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