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Part II: Both these programs feature superb groundfighting training scenarios taught by nationally-regarded D.T. instructor Sgt. Herb Hood of the Cincinnati Police Division.

V07P11 – Ground-fighting Training Part 1
Part I: Both these programs feature superb groundfighting training scenarios taught by nationally-regarded D.T. instructor Sgt. Herb Hood of the Cincinnati Police Division.

V07P10 – Officer Shot and Killed After Missing Weapon On Pat-Down
A suspected cop shooter is arrested by two St. Louis officers. It turned tragic when they missed a weapon on a patdown.

V07P09 – Iron Will To Survive Part II / Blinded Trooper Discusses Survival and Motivation
Iron Will to Survive-Part II features the story of survival and rehabilitation of a Louisiana state trooper, blinded by a gunshot injury and his incredible fight back.

V07P08 – DUI Patrol: Winning in Court
One of the most successful DUI programs in the country is featured for training purposes.

V07P07 – Deputies Murdered in Warrant Service
Two Idaho deputies are shot and killed during a warrant service in a rural area.

V07P06 – SC Officer Struck by Suspect in Vehicle / Subsequent Shooting Death
A drug suspect refuses to get out from behind the wheel of a vehicle during a bust.

V07P05 – Friendly Fire Kills CA Officer
This training video is vital to law enforcement agencies which have a strong undercover program.

V07P04 – High Speed Pursuit Takes on Epic Proportions
A pursuit through Ohio countryside takes on epic proportions when officers from many agencies become involved.

V07P03 – Accident Scene Preservation
This program features the nationally-respected Georgia State Patrol accident reconstruction team.

V07P02 – Murder of Georgia Deputy
The complete training overview and analysis of the murder of Georgia Deputy Kyle Dinkheller.

V07P01 – Police Officer Stress
This program addresses how officers can deal with the stress and trauma of everyday police work.