Purchase our programs by visiting our Store Catalog, or with an Annual Subscription to the entire library. For more information, contact us at 1-800-462-5232 or info@lineofduty.com.

V15P06 – “What If…” Scenarios That Can Save Cops Lives
One of the shortest, most powerful sentences in any language is ‘what if’.

V15P05 – Murder of an Arkansas Officer/the Tragedy of Complacency
Death stalks a young Arkansas officer, but in taking his life cops everywhere may someday get a second chance at living.

V15P04 – Mythbusting
In this program we outline some myths that are repeated so often officers believe they are gospel truth—until, as we see, nothing but stark reality or the loss of lives convinces them they're untrue.

V15P03 – Cops and Black Eyes – Part 1
How many ways are there to derail your career? A cop gets a black eye and it could end a career, or even a life as he or she knew it.

V15P02 – Iowa Parade Horror: Horses Bolt Into Crowd
A holiday parade turns into a bloodbath when two spooked horses go rampaging into a crowd of thousands.

V15P01- Killing of Trooper Coates: What Has Changed Since
This program deals with updates the South Carolina Highway Patrol (SCHP) has made since the death of Trooper Mark Coates on November 20, 1992. It is in his memory that this program is dedicated, as well as to the memory of the other 49 SCHP troopers who, as of this program, have given their lives since the patrol was organized in 1931.