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MG-Eye Spy 04
How good are you at finding a piece of the puzzle and then being able to put all the pieces together?
MG-Eye Spy 03
What does your gut tell you when you see something you've never seen before?
MG-Eye Spy 02
It's been said a picture is worth a thousand words, but if the words aren't accurate, then what's the picture word, hmm?
MG-Eye Spy 01
Did you ever look at an old photo of yourself and wonder, ...
MG-DYST14 – Bogie and Bacall
Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall were, perhaps the coolest couple on the silver screen back in the day.
MG-DYST13 – Lip Service
Lip readers know of things the rest of us don't because they know how to read lips, and with that skill comes the ability to hear by seeing a lot of what you and I may miss.
MG-DYST12 – The Eyes Have
If you were a cop, what’s one the first things you’d notice about a subject?
MG-DYST11 – This is Earie
Many years ago, a great veteran detective claimed you could readily identify a subject by his or her ears.
MG-DYST10 – The Nose Knows
It’s a police lineup, and you have very limited information as a witness.
MG-DYST09 – Can You Walk and Chew Gum?
This is a visual and aural challenge!
MG-DYST08 – The Lineup of Stars
For many years, lineups have been used to try to determine the guilty subjects in crimes and give witnesses a chance to 'eyeball' them for positive identification.
MG-DYST07 – Lips that Lie
How many times have you seen an argument on the baseball field and wondered what was being said?
MG-DYST06 – Search for a Serial Killer
He was one of America’s most wanted monsters and it took law enforcement a long time to nab him but not until after he had murdered at least 30 young women across multiple states.
MG-DYST05 – Seen a Mobster Lately
You have a number of suspects wanted by the law and unexpectedly you see a number of them—but only for a precious few seconds.
MG-DYST04 – Street Killing
For cops there be may be only one opportunity, perhaps only lasting a few seconds, for you to see the obvious.
MG-DYST03 – Finding an Assassin
You are part of a national, even international, manhunt for the assassinator of a revered American Leader.
MG-DYST02 – Seeking Butch Cassidy
Probably one of the most famous infamous outlaws, Robert Leroy Parker who with his partner Harry Longabaugh performed a number of criminal exploits with their ‘Hole in the Wall’ gang of the 1890s.
MG-DYST01 – Weejee on the Spot
In the 1930s and 1940s, no crime scene photographer was more famous than Arthur Felig, nicknamed Weejee after the Ouija board because he had an amazing ability to get to crime scenes even before police.