About this course
Any law enforcement agency that has been involved in shooting a dog, especially should the animal die, knows that the public and media can get very angry in the aftermath. This updated program is designed to give all patrol officers vital information which may, one day or night, conceivably help them avoid such an incident. Of course, no matter the outcome, officer safety is and always will be first and foremost.
Man’s Best Friend
Time and time again, dogs have proven themselves to be man’s best friend. There are many instances where a dog has jumped in to save a human’s life.
For example, there is Tinsley; a German Shepherd who running loose on the Memorial Bridge connecting Lebanon (NH) to White River Junction (VT).
The dog kept running in the road bringing traffic to a stand-still. Local law enforcement and concerned citizens were trying to corral the dog, but Tinsley was having none of it. Instead, the dog ran over the bridge into Vermont.
- Always be aware, a dog may be trying to ‘tell’ you something.
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