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V03P12 – Tinted Window Shooting / Tinted Window Training
Two sheriff's deputies stop a car with tinted windows and are forced to resort to lethal force.

V03P11 – K-9 Save Fellow Officer/ K-9 Training for Street Cops
In an extraordinary incident, a police K-9 saves the life of another K-9 which had been sent into a river attempting to apprehend an armed robbery suspect.

V03P10 – High Risk Felony Stop
This program is two important parts:
- A follow-up to Program 3-9 in which Bonner County(ID)Deputy John Lunde is hit by a fleeing motorist. The resulting high-risk stop is studied and analyzed by Lunde and his fellow back-up officers.
And more ...

V03P09 – Traffic Safety / Passenger Side Approach
Several incidents in which officers have either been injured or killed during traffic stops are examined.

V03P08 – Corpus Christi Knife Assault
This program evaluates two incidents in which officers were assaulted; one by a knife-wielding inmate; the other by an inebriated subject during a DUI/Sobriety test.

V03P07 – Contact and Cover
The San Diego P.D.'s "Contact and Cover" program, developed after two of its officers were shot and killed, is analyzed.

V03P06 – San Francisco Firefight
A gunman with a veritable arsenal of weaponry and ammunition, and covered in body armor, opens fire in a posh San Francisco neighborhood. The resulting chaos is documented visually and with in-depth interviews with responding officers.

V03P05 – Hood River Multi-Speed Chase
When a subject steals a truck and large boat, law enforcement officials in Hood River, Oregon swing into action.

V03P04 – Domestic Violence
Anne O'Dell, a former veteran street cop provides highly-touted training for officers dealing with issues of domestic violence.

V03P03 – Perpendicular Shoot
Sheriff's deputies in North Carolina resort to lethal force after a passenger in a vehicle stopped for minor driving violations reaches for a gun.

V03P02 – Law Enforcement and the News Media
This program provides a comprehensive look at the St. Petersburg (FL) Police Department's handling of national news media following two major rioting incidents (Volume 02 Program 12).

V03P01 – Child Abduction Stopped by Deputies
Sheriff's deputies in rural Arkansas save a baby from being drowned in a swamp by a mentally-unbalanced subject.