Purchase our programs by visiting our Store Catalog, or with an Annual Subscription to the entire library. For more information, contact us at 1-800-462-5232 or info@lineofduty.com.

V09P12 – Tallahassee Ambush
An alert officer sees a suspicious car lurking behind a bank.

V09P11 – Tampa Massacre
Two Tampa detectives and a Florida State Trooper are killed by a career criminal who had just been taken into custody for the shooting death of his girlfriend's child.

V09P10 – Hospital Security
When a criminal is hurt, injured or wounded, he/she must receive proper treatment. We disucss the security challenges.

V09P09 – Facing Disaster Part II
This second of the two part series discusses preplanning and response to such unexpected disasters as a terror attack, possibly involving weapons of mass destruction, or a catastrophic accident.

V09P08 – Facing Disaster Part I
This first of a two part series of training videos deals with the havoc wrought by catastrophe.

V09P07 – Knoxville Cop Hit
A Knoxville (TN) officer is winding up special patrol at a busy area where local university students party well into the morning hours before the Saturday football game.

V09P06 – Strip Searches
One of the most distasteful, dangerous, yet absolutely necessary procedures some officers must undertake is the strip search. In this pioneering program, you'll learn how corrections officers at a major prison conduct proper, safe and thorough strip searches.

V09P05 – Knives Can Kill You — Fast
One of the leading law enforcement experts in the world teaches and trains you to survive a knife attack/assault.

V09P04 – CT Officer Attacked
A Connecticut officer has less than four seconds to decide what to do when a subject he had been pursuing jumps out of his car and lunges at the officer with a tire iron.

V09P03 – Jason’s Story
Phoenix Officer Jason Schechterle was nearly burned when his cruiser was struck at 90 miles an hour by a taxi driven by an epileptic cab driver.

V09P02 – Weapon Retention
One of the nation's premiere law enforcement trainers, Herb Hood, provides complete and thorough training on his newly-developed and easy-to-learn weapons retention system.

V09P01 – DeKalb County TN Police Shooting
An escaped prisoner with apparent mental problems abducts her own son and threatens him with a gun.