Video training that will save dollars, and lives!

Online Training
Immediately access the only reality-based streaming video training library for law enforcement.
Your department will have access to over 300 video programs, tests and certificates of completion at the touch of your mouse covering every critical training area for law enforcement.

Video on Demand
Download any of the video training courses from our library a la carte for roll call, in-service, and academy training.
Excellent, too, for inclusion in computer and power point presentations.

DVD Media
Many departments still prefer the DVD format, and all Line of Duty programs are available.
Contact us to purchase our programs in DVD format. Call1-800-462-5232
What exactly is In the Line of Duty?
In the Line of Duty is the only reality-based online site for training and educating law enforcement officers and criminal justice students.
Literally hundreds of courses are offered, featuring real incidents, the officers involved and professional law enforcement advisers and trainers providing ‘lessons learned’. Each program/course includes tests and quizzes.
How long is each training video?
The programs range from one minute, two minutes, and seven to nine minutes all the way to 30-minutes to one hour. Therefore, they are excellent for roll call, in-service and academy training as well as hard classroom or distance learning.
Every course, every program is available on our online site.
What topics are covered?
Virtually every aspect of policing is covered, and we add new streaming videos regularly throughout the year.
You can preview dozens of the video courses by going to the ‘Program Previews’ link at the top of the homepage. As part of your licensing agreement with us, you will gain access to every program/course in its entirety.
To all of you, from all of us at In the Line of Duty – Thank you and Be Safe!
Ron Barber
President, In the Line of Duty